Sunday, January 7, 2007

Sigh. Some days I'm just not "on".

*Edited because I have to say that the pic of my 3 kids did not have that red cast until I put it on here. I will have to figure out what I'm doing wrong and repost it later.*

We went to my parents' house today to see my sister before she went back to college. The light was great for most of the day and I was dying to shoot some pics of the kids, but I just couldn't get it together. My other sister and I tried to get some of the babies but they kept crawling away and eating twigs and leaves. We really needed a couple more adults to help manage the girls. Later, I bribed my kids with candy, popcorn, and a DVD if they would let me photograph them, but by then, the sun was setting and I was still at 200 ISO. D'oh. Anyway, here are a couple to share since I have to post something today!

A rare shot of my three children together: Dade, Cassidy, and Chloe

And one of my niece Haylie, who desperately needed a nap at this point.

Here's another of Haylie. I like the background of this one a bit better. It was a different spot in the yard so the lighting had changed also. I wish you could see her face, but I kind of like it anyway.


Monica said...

I think we all have those days!! I love the second photo of your daughter! Great capture!

Missy said...

awww, these are great! sounds like a busy sunday!

Anonymous said...

Love the picture and LOVE the chair... I tried the same thing over the holidays w/my kiddos and my niece.. Ended up giving my mom one with My son facing backwards crawling over the bench *sigh* I totally understand those days! Great Shot!

Tara said...

They are both great. Love the DOF on the secind one.

Anonymous said...

aww these are still precious! They are of your kiddos...:)

The last one is my fav as well. Man i wish I was where you are...I would love to dress my kids in warm weather clothes. SIGH.

Beautiful captures!

Ali said...

These are great! Love them!

Jess said...

aww, things are so great.

Jess said...

ugh, i really need to slow down and proofread. sorry.

"these" not "things". lol

Christine said...

These are all great, but I am loving the third one. Man, I miss my DD being little and wearing those cute little bubble suits!

Stacey C said...

That last shot is so sweet~I like that she is looking down; I think it sets a nice tone.
This is so fun!

Unknown said...

I really like that last one even though you can not see her face. I think it's a sweet shot. Great job on all of them!!

Lisa Monistere said...

Your colors are fantastic!